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Author Guidelines

Amazonian Journal of Plant Research (AJPR) is an international journal, published in English, quarterly on the last day of even number months. AJPR publishes original scientific work in all areas of Agronomy, Agricultural sciences and Forest Science.

The journal will accept only manuscript written in English language.

Manuscripts should not have been submitted and or published simultaneously, in whole or in part, in another scientific journal or periodical.

All concepts, information, data and individuals images presented in the article are the entire responsibility of the author(s).



The article must be typed in Microsoft Word for Windows (version 2010, 2013, 2016 or Office 365), in A4 size (21 x 29.7 cm), 1.5 line spacing, font: Times New Roman, size 12, with 2.5 cm margin, and 2.5 cm for both the header and footer. All pages, as well as lines, must be numbered.

Each manuscript must not exceed 20 pages. The authors should be clear and concise, avoiding redundancy and unnecessary citations. Pages that exceed this number will be charged as an additional amount (check in Publication Fee).

Along with the article, a COVER LETTER must be addressed to AJPR Editor in Chief requesting the article’s publication. All authors must sign this letter with the concurrence of all authors and a statement that they are aware that upon acceptance of the article for publication, publishers acquire broad and exclusive rights to the article for all languages and countries.

When submitting the article, the cover letter should be attached in the “Additional Documents” field.

- Any inclusion, exclusion, or alteration in the order of the authors must be made by letter signed by all authors (including the excluded author).



In terms of content, manuscripts may be presented in the form of:


- Scientific Article:

An article reporting an original study, related to research results, submitted to the Editorial Committee. The format must follow the journal’s standards for Article Preparation.


- Brief comunication:

An article containing technical information, usually not based on research. It may present instructions on the use of techniques for a certain purpose and case studies. The format is free, but should be similar to the structure used for scientific articles, containing a Title, Abstract and Keywords in English , and References.


- Review Article:

A text prepared on a topic of current interest, at the request of the Editorial Committee. The format is free, but should be similar to the structure used for scientific articles, containing a Title, Abstract and Keywords in English, and References.

The review article must have a maximum of 20 pages and a minimum of 30 references, with a desirable 70% corresponding to publications in the last 5 years.



1 - Articles should begin with the title of the manuscript. Full name and postal address of the authors’ institution and ORCID, should be inserted as metadata in the word processing program. We certify that the reviewers will receive articles without a header for double-blind evaluation.


2 - Structure

- The structure of scientific articles is comprised of Title, Abstract, and Keywords in English. Must contain: Introduction; Material and Methods; Results and Discussion (may be separated); Conclusions; Acknowledgments, Author Contribution, References.


- Title: must be concise and present the article general idea. We recommend not using scientific nomenclature in the title. Exceptions are made for species that do not have an established common name.

- We recommend that the authors confirm the scientific name of the species in

- Authors: the authors’ names should be presented after the title, continuously and centered. They should be written in full, with only the initials capitalized. After each name, use a number to signal their address in a footnote. The manuscript must have a maximum of 6 (six) authors.

In the footnote, the authors must be identified by numbers, indicating: Institution//Department//City-State//Country.


Following the name of a corresponding author, “Corresponding author” must be written, along with his/her e-mail address. The identification wil be “*”.

- Abstract: Must present, in a single paragraph, between 200 and 250 words, the following parts: introduction, objective, methodology, results, and conclusion. Note: a) The Abstract should NOT start with the objective. b) Avoid describing the statistical design.

- Keywords: 4 to 5, must not repeat words from the title of the manuscript. We suggest that the first word should be the scientific name of the studied species. Separate with commas.

- Footnote:  Do not indicate the origin of the study, if it is part of a thesis, dissertation, etc. The funding source should be presented in the Acknowledgments.

- Introduction: present the information that guided the manuscript, always using current references. At the end, indicate the work’s objective.

The citations of the references should be made using lowercase letters, with the initial capital letter only. Introduction with text of no more than one and a half pages.

- Material and Methods: avoid placing location (city, university, research institute, etc.) where the study was carried out. This information should only be displayed when it is fundamental to the discussion of results.

- Results and Discussion: may be presented together or separately.

- Conclusion(s): may appear in text or bullets. In this case, use hyphens.

- Acknowledgments: mention the source of the manuscript’s funding, or particular acknowledgments, if applicable.

- Author contribution: cite the author using the initials. Note:  This item should be also arranged in the Cover Letter.

- References: see Item g. The references must be current, so at least 60% of references must correspond to articles published in the last 5 years in idexed journals.


1 - Figures and Tables

- Figures and Tables should be used only to illustrate specific points or to record data, and should be numbered consecutively, but separately. The location of Tables and Figures in the text should be given in parentheses, for example (Table X).

- Figures and Tables must be inserted in the position in which they should appear in the text. For figures are considered graphs, drawings, maps, photographs and photomicrographs.

- Photos should be saved as “JPEG” format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, and sent in separate files.

- Graphics should be saved and sent in separate files, save with "JPEG" extension.

- Tables should have a concise and explanatory title. Avoid using location and date.

- Tables should be elaborated in "WORD" and inserted in the text in the position they should appear.

- Different formats and files will not be accepted.

- Figures should be prepared using Times New Roman, size 10, no bold; without a text box and grouped.

- Indicate, throughout the text, the position in which the Tables and Figures should be inserted.

- We recommended not providing Tables of results of statistical analyses.


Chemical and mathematical formulas and symbols

- Chemical formulas must be written on a single line and follow the nomenclature adopted by the Chemical Society (J. Chem. Soc. 1939, p.1067).

- Chemical Formulas and Symbols must be made on a processor that allows formatting for the Win’designer program (e.g.: MathType, Equation), without any loss of their original forms..

- It is suggested that they be saved in "JPEG" extension with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and sent in separate files.


1 - Trade names

Do not use product trade names, but rather their technical name and/or active ingredient.


1 - Footnotes:

Avoid footnotes as much as possible. If it is necessary the use, they must be numbered.


1 – References


g.1 General Guidelines


The article must have between 20 and 35 references and 60% of the references must be articles published in the last 5 years in indexed journals.


- References in the text must be presented as follows: Vieira and Lima (2022) or (Vieira and Lima, 2022). When there are three (3) or more authors, the reference must be shortened (Ribeiro et al., 2023) ou Ribeiro et al. (2023).

- If there is more than one citation in the same text, authors must be presented in ascending chronological order, e.g., Pereira (2014), Araújo (2016) and Barbosa (2018); or: (Pereira, 2014; Araújo, 2016; Barbosa, 2018).

- The list of References, at the end of the text, must be presented alphabetically by authors. When there is more than one article from the same author(s) in the same year, indicate 2017a, 2017b, etc. The order of items in each reference must be based on the standards of the Brazilian National Standards Organization NBR6023/2002 of ABNT. The accuracy of the references contained on the list and the correct citation in the text are the full responsibility of the article’s author(s).

- When available, include the DOI number.

- No citations from thesis and dissertations, abstracts, series, technical bulletins, circulars, or mimeographed documents will be accepted.

-   All authors of the scientific document (source) must be presented.

- The journal name must be described in full; it must not be abbreviated.

- Do not use quotes by other authors (e.g., “quoted by…”). Always present the original reference.


How to prepare the References:


-  Books

AUTHOR.//Title: subtitle.//Edition. City of publication: Publisher, year of publication. Total page.

PAIVA, P.D.O.; ALMEIDA, E.F.A. Produção de Flores de Corte. vol.1. Lavras: Editora UFLA, 2013. 678p.


- Book chapter

CHAPTER AUTHOR.// Chapter title. In: AUTHOR OR EDITOR./ /Book title. City of publication: Publisher, year. First-last page.

OLIVEIRA, A.R.O.; HEYNEMANN, C.B.; NIEMEYER, M.L. A construção da paisagem do jardim Botânico do Rio de Janeiro no século XIX. In: CARNEIRO, A.R.S.; BERTRUY, R.P. Jardins Históricos brasileiros e mexicanos. Recife: Editora Universitária – UFRPE, 2009. p.101-139.


Same author

In:__________________. Ecology. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1986. p.210-240.



- Journals

AUTHOR.//Article title.//Journal title, volume, number, First-last page, year. DOI, when available.

BARBOSA, J.G.; KAMPF, A.N.; MARTINEZ, H.E.P.; KOLLER, O.C.; BOHNEM, H. Chrynthemum cultivation in expanded clay- I: Effect of the nitrogen-potassium ratio in the nutrient solution. Journal of Plant Nutrition, v.23, n.9, p.1327-1337, 2000.

LANDGRAF, P.R.C.; PAIVA, P.D.O. Produção de flores cortadas no estado de Minas Gerais. Ciência e Agrotecnologia, v.33, n.1 p.120-126, 2009. DOI:


- Dissertation and thesis:

Do not use citations from dissertations or thesis. It is also understood for graduation conclusion study


- Manuscripts of conferences or other events:

Do not use citations from papers and abstracts published in conference proceedings and other events.


- Electronic documents:

Manuscripts consulted online are referenced according to the specific standards for each type of document, adding information about the website address in brackets (<>), preceded by the expression “Available at:” and the date the document was accessed, preceded by the expression “Accessed:” Note: “We do not recommend referencing short-term electronic material online” (ABNT, NBR6023/2000, p. 4). Following international standards, the website address can only be divided, at the end of the line, after the forward slash (/). *accesses made over a year will not be accepted (check if the link is still active).

RUSS, K. 2007. Iris. Home and garden center information. Available at:  <> Acessed july 23th 2018.


- Journal article

AUTHOR. Article title. Journal title. Place, day, month, year. Issue number or title, first-last page.

SOUZA, H.M. de. A lofântera da Amazônia. O Estado de São Paulo. São Paulo, 5 nov. 1987. Suplemento Agrícola, p.6.


- Personal communication

This includes information obtained from conferences, lecture notes, etc. They must be indicated in a footnote, separated from the body of text by a continuous line of approximately 5 cm, starting on the left margin.

Example: DEMATTÊ* DEMATTÊ* stated…


*DEMATTÊ, M.E.S.P. (Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias, UNESP - Campus de Jaboticabal). Personal communication, 1992.


- Independent entities

ASSOCIAÇÃO BRASILEIRA DE NORMAS TÉCNICAS. Rio de Janeiro. Estatísticas nos municípios do ABC. 3.ed. Brasília: M.E.P., 1963.


- Collective entities

Direct government agencies (ministries, secretaries, and others) - must be entered by the geographical name that indicates that sphere of influence (country, state, or municipality).

BRASIL. Ministério da Agricultura e da Reforma Agrária.

SÃO PAULO (Estado). Secretaria do Meio Ambiente.

CAMPINAS. Câmara Municipal.


About the Experimental Data

Articles that address research with an experiment will only be accepted for publication if they meet at least one of the following criteria: a) experiment with at least 20 plots; b) experimental design with the number of degrees of freedom of the residual equal to or greater than 10.

Another requirement is that the number of repetitions of the treatments be at least three. Associated with the two criteria above.

For quantitative data, the usual model to be used should be regression analysis.

Scientific articles describing research results obtained more than five years ago will not be accepted for publication, with the exception of those involving temporal analysis, with comparisons of several years.



- It is preferable to adopt the S.I. (System ///) to indicate the units.

- Use space between the number and base units: meter, second, ampere, volt (eg. 6 m, 10 s) and also between the non-owned ones: minute, liter (eg. 8 min, 9 L).

- Correct form for temperature: °C, separated from the quantity (70 °C).

- Correct form for%: after each number, no space (eg. 50% and 60%).

- Do not start a sentence with numbers.

- Numbers below ten should be written in full. Exceptions: units of measure, age, time, dates, page numbers, percentages, values, and proportions.

- Write in numeral form whenever two or more are in the same period. Never mix number with numerals (in full).

- Numbers with more than five or six zero digits at the end, use consecutive numbers of words (eg. 3 millions, instead of 3,000,000)



Articles can only be submitted electronically (https://..............)

- If you are not registered, you need to click Register on the left sidebar of the home page.

- Click on Article Submission, sign in, and complete the submission form.

- The corresponding author will receive a notice with the date of receipt of the original.

- The article submitted for publication will be sent to “ad hoc” reviewers for their review, without the author identification (“blind review")

- After revisions made by the ad hoc Reviewers and the Editorial Committee, the manuscript will be returned to the author for corrections, until it is approved, also without the “ad hoc” identification.

- The review flow is described in PEER REVIEW PROCESS.

- If the corrections are not returned within the deadline, the editorial process for the article may be automatically canceled. Failure to comply with the consultants’ requests without justification also leads to the article’s automatic cancellation.

- After approval of the corrections, the article is revised for Scientific Nomenclature, English, References, and Portuguese, and then sent to editing and publishing



- Articles submitted for publication must be forwarded to the Editorial Committee through the website: http://........., edited in English, and must use only official nomenclature and established abbreviations.



Article submission must be accompanied by a cover letter with the agreement of the authors and signed by all authors, declaring that they are aware that publishers acquire broad and exclusive rights to the article for all languages and countries. The ORCID number of each author must be included.

Indeed, with the cover letter addressed for the Editor-in-chief, must be informed/attached:

Declaration of Originality: the cover letter should be clear that the article is original and has not been submitted for publication elsewhere, in whole or in part, printed or electronically.

Conflict of interest: include the text (or similar) "The authors declare not exist conflict of interest"

Contribution of each author: using the initials of each author, indicate the contribution of each one in the article and the ORCID number of each author.

Financing: inform the source(s) of funding and support for conducting the research. This information should be explicit also in the item Acknowledgments. Clarify that the funding sources were not involved in the design of the study, in the collection, analysis or interpretation of data, in writing the report, or in the decision to submit the paper for publication.

It is important to indicate the Corresponding author, with your updated email. The communication from the journal is done with this email, who is responsible in transmitting the information to the other authors.



For manuscript involving experiments on animals and/or humans, should be submitted certifies that were performed in accordance with ethical guidelines officially established in the place of its realization. This evidence should be indicate in item Material and Methods, informing the approved process number in the responsible ethical committee and also sent supplementary documents in article submission.



The journal Amazonian Journal of Plant Research uses CopySpider's free plagiarism detection system (available for registration and dowloand at, with a maximum similarity percentage of 3% (excluding references). We recommend to the authors a prior evaluation before the submission process. In this case, higher percentages (up to 10%) are allowed only when the manuscript is extracted from theses or dissertations of one of the authors. Once the similarity (including self-plagiarism) is detected, the manuscript will be returned to the authors with the analysis report, and later rejected and archived.



The journal Amazonian Journal of Plant Research does not charge any submission and publication fees



- Other cases shall be resolved by the Editorial Committee.

Questions and comments should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief

Dr. Marcos Ribeiro da Silva Vieira


Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • This submission meets the requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • This submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
  • All references have been checked for accuracy and completeness.
  • All tables and figures have been numbered and labeled.
  • Permission has been obtained to publish all photos, datasets and other material provided with this submission.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.